If you need help, first try the font identifier. At the end of the process if the results are bad you will find a link that lets you post the image to the forum so other users can help you.

Original picture is found here..
This one is so basic
Would like to find this exact font if possible
I see several that look similar
I feel like I’ve seen this
Can’t separate characters, no good results
Can’t find anything close
Too many look very similar
Found many very similar
When I isolated the text it didn’t come out clearly
Several similar
This is close to “Candice”
I see several that look similar
Again, many look similar but can’t find exact font
I’m fairly certain this is Candice
I see several where some of the characters are the same, but
I believe this might be ABRIL FATFACE FONT
I’d like to find this exact font if possible
Cabernet Sauvignon looks a lot like it
I can’t find any with the same G
I’m hoping to find this exact font
I’m unable to separate the characters
I would really like to find this exact font if possible
Would like to find this exact font if possible
I found many that are similar
I see many that are similar
I’m unable to get good results
Don’t have a clearer picture
Many look similar
I’m unable to find one where the “t” looks the same
Too many look similar
Won’t let me adjust contrast
It won’t allow me to put in the letters
I’m going to post a URL for the original image
I saw many that look similar
It looks like many

What Font Is the best font finder for you!