You Can Easily Be Attacked Through Windows 10 Web Fonts


You can easily be attacked through Windows 10 web fonts. Find out everything you need to know, including how to protect yourself.

You Can Easily Be Attacked Through Windows 10 Web Fonts
You Can Easily Be Attack Through Windows 10 Web Fonts

These persons never stop finding ways to steal our information and to harm our lives, that is why we need to pay huge attention every moment and protect ourselves.

Hackers now found this new hole in Windows 10 security and they can easily take control of our computers, generating important damage.

But don’t panic, there is a solution that will protect you from any attacks.

You probably think that only Windows software is under hacker’s loupe, but this is not true. They target more often Windows because this operating system is the most common in the world.

Microsoft reported in March 20219 over 800 million devices using Windows 10 operating system. Bill Gates owns 88.74% of the market, while MAC operating system has only close to 10%.

Cyber security will soon become a skill for most of us, or we will have to pay somebody to take care of our mobile phones, computers, intelligent homes, smart cars, and so on. 

If you ask me, I think that cyber security will soon be learned in schools. This will be an obligatory course, or at least it should be.

How hackers attack through Windows 10 web fonts

As I told you, there is an important vulnerability in the Windows 10 system that might allow users to authorize malicious software to access the kernel without their knowledge.

Microsoft DirectWrite, the font renderer, is the software that has this vulnerability. Web browsers use this font renderer as the default font rasterizer.

Using Microsoft DirectWrite, browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, render web font glyphs.

Specially-made TrueType fonts easily damage the software, making its memory crash. Right after, the malicious software will gain access of the kernel, allowing hackers to remotely control the target system.

Google’s Project Zero researchers discovered the vulnerability and they reported it back in November 2020.

How to protect yourself of potential attacks through Windows 10 web fonts?

The golden rule is to always update your computer software, not only your operating system.

Make a habit of constantly updating all your software – including your TV.

Your TV can aslo be hacked. Criminals can use the TV camera to see you, to take photographs of you and your family, to record you, and so on.

Microsoft released a security update on February 9 2021 to resolve the issue.

If you haven’t updated Microsoft Windows 10, go right now and do it.

Or even better.

Let Microsoft Windows 10 make automatic updates. This is by far the best method to protect your operating system.

You won’t have to remember to check for updates and install them.

Let Windows 10 make automatic updates

Here is how you can put Microsoft Windows 10 updates on autopilot.

Select the Start button, then select Settings > Update & security > Windows Update.

If you want to check for updates manually, select Check for updates.

Select Advanced options, and then under Choose how updates are installed, select Automatic (recommended).


You can easily be attacked even through Windows 10 web fonts.

And even worse. Baby monitors, cameras, TVs, and our smart fridges can be easily attacked.

If you have the possibility, best is to pay a security specialist to take care of you and your family.

But if you don’t the possibility, install all the updates on all your devices and ask also your family to do it.

Never authorize weird software or programs that you don’t know.