The Smallest Font Size You Can Read

The Smallest Font Size You Can Read

Which is the smallest font size you can read?

The smallest font size that you can read is a subjective matter and varies from person to person.

It depends on several factors such as your age, eyesight, the type of font used, and the medium on which it is displayed.

For most people, the smallest font size that can be easily read without strain is around 10-12 points. However, some people with excellent eyesight may be able to comfortably read font sizes as small as 8 points, while others may have trouble reading anything smaller than 14 points.

The age of the read is highly important but not decisive

The age of the reader also plays a significant role in determining the smallest font size that can be comfortably read.

But is not decisive, there are young people with bad eyesight and old people with excellent eyesight.

Now it is true and popular that as we age, our eyesight naturally deteriorates, and the smallest font size that we can read increases.

Another important factor is the type of font used.

What fonts should you use?

Some fonts are designed to be easier to read at smaller sizes than others.

Sans-serif fonts, such as Arial or Verdana, are considered to be more legible than serif fonts, such as Times New Roman, at smaller font sizes.

This is because sans-serif fonts have simple, clean lines that are easier to distinguish at smaller sizes.

The medium on which the font is displayed also affects legibility

For example, reading small font sizes on a computer screen can be more difficult than reading them in print because of the lower resolution of most computer displays.

Additionally, the backlight used on most computer screens can cause glare and eye strain, making it even more difficult to read small fonts.

On the other hand, reading small fonts in print, such as in a book or magazine, is often easier because of the higher resolution and lack of glare. It is crucial to consider the smallest font size that can be comfortably read when designing documents or websites.

If the font size is too small, it can cause eye strain, headaches, and decreased readability. This is particularly important for long-form text, such as articles or reports, where readability is essential.

In conclusion, the smallest font size that you can read is subjective and varies depending on several factors.

Factors that influence font size:

– your age


-the type of font used

-the medium on which it is displayed.

Most people can comfortably read font sizes between 10-12 points, but this can vary greatly.

What should you do if you are in the eCommerce business?

When designing documents or websites, it’s essential to consider the smallest font size that can be comfortably read to ensure maximum readability and comfort for your audience.

If you are selling products or services to senior people, you should be super careful with the font size you use.

Go small and your shop conversions will go down faster than you might spell it.

Use the right font size and you will get the maximum amounts of sales.

Achieve that without investing more money.

Changing the font size is very simple, all you should do is a bit of testing and get feedback.

It is very simple to get feedback from your potential customers, or existing customers.

Offer them an incentive if they complete your basic feedback.

Don’t complicate things, that is why I said basic feedback.

You only just to find out if they are happy with the font size you are using.


The smallest font size you can read is a thing that we should always think about.

With that in mind, go and adapt your website and documents so your audience can read them with ease.