What Font Should You Choose For Your First Book


What font should you choose for your first book? The font you choose is as important as the content itself and if you pick it wrong, you can easily make your audience drop your book on a shelf and never read it. Who wants to read a book with a hard to read font? Or a book with a minuscule font, or wrong color, or letter spacing, etc?

What Font Should You Choose For Your First Book

I bet it happened to you too, to have a book that you want to read, but to be a very hard task.

That is why in this article I will show you guidelines and tips for picking the right font for your first book.

Why should you write a book?

You will say that you already are here and you are reading this article, so you know exactly why you want to write a book. You are right, but I want to underline the importance of writing a book and the way it changes you and your life. I don’t want you to quit in the middle of your book and I want to influence as many people as possible to start writing.

So why write a book? Because it is one of the most rewarding things that you can do in your life.

You want to leave something behind you? Write a book.

Or maybe you want to earn millions of dollars? Write a book. It is true that you cannot write any book and get this amount of money, but a super book will explode the sales.

You want to help the community you are in or people from all over the world? Write a book.

Another great thing if you manage to write a book, is that you will get tremendous confidence in your powers and this will help you also on other projects and tasks. 

These are only a few reasons; many others are out there.

Writing a book is much simpler than you might think.

The secret? Make a good plan and write each day, in the end you will have in your hands your first book.

What font should you choose for your first book?

The font selection for your first book will be divided into 2 parts: the covers and the interior of your book.

Fonts for covers

The importance of your book sales will be affected in this order:

  1. By your title subject.
  2. Book covers.
  3. Author bio.
  4. Price.
  5. Availability in digital or writing.

As you see, covers are one of the most important parts of your book performance.

What makes a great book cover? It is not an exact science, if it was it would have been extremely easy for all writers to sell their books.

The best tip that I can offer you is to work with a designer that made tens of book covers, from which at least 3-4 where extremely successful in terms of book sales.

You will pay more but you will have more chances to sell your book.

Even if you work with a designer, you should pick your headline, sub headline, and fonts.

You are the only person who knows the idea and content of your book, and you need to pick the right font.

The right font for your book covers should be:

  • Representative for your book idea and content.
  • Serious if your book subject is serious, or joyful if your book is about such a topic.
  • The size of your font should be carefully picked together with your book cover designer.
  • Common fonts usually work best, don’t pick complicated designs.

Fonts for body text

The font you pick will set the tone of your book. Fonts evoke emotions and feelings.

From the first moment when people start reading your book, they will instantly get a feel of it. If they get the right feel, they will continue reading it. If not, they will drop it instantly.

Think about this, how many people tried to read the Bible and they gave up after a few pages? Why? Because the Bible is very hard to read (the way it is written) but also because of the small font.

Pay huge attention to these aspects:

  • Pick a serif font.
  • Use a different font for chapters and titles.
  • Font weights.
  • Bold, italic and underline can be very useful in expressing your ideas. 
  • Try different font sizes.

Avoid the following:

  • Not enough space between letters.
  • Too small font sizes for Chapters and Headers.
  • Strange fonts and fonts with too much decoration.
  • Don’t pick bright colors, you should stick with black and grey.

Even if it looks complicated to pick the right fonts for your book body text, it is not. The best thing that you can do is to experiment as much as possible and get feedback from as many people as possible.


So, what font should you choose for your first book? You will have several choices to make. This article of ours will help you get even more help.

To make things easier, divide the font selection task into parts:

  • Fonts for book covers.
  • And fonts for body text, chapters, and titles.

The hardest step is to start, do it right now.