Fonts That Drive Conversions And How To Correctly Choose Them

Fonts That Drive Conversions And How To Correctly Choose Them

Fonts play a crucial role in sales, which is why it is important to know the fonts that drive conversions and how to choose them correctly.

Fonts That Drive Conversions And How To Correctly Choose Them

In this article, we will discuss fonts that drive conversions and what types of fonts work best in different scenarios.

Factors to consider

First and foremost, fonts are a critical element of branding.


The right font can help convey the values, tone, and personality of a brand. For example, a fun, playful font might be perfect for a children’s toy company, while a more serious, professional font might be more appropriate for a law firm.

In both cases, the font helps establish the brand’s identity and sets it apart from competitors.

When a brand consistently uses a font throughout its marketing materials, it becomes instantly recognizable to customers and builds trust over time.


Fonts also play a critical role in readability. If a font is difficult to read or too small, it can discourage potential customers from engaging with a brand’s content.

In contrast, a clear, easy-to-read font can increase the amount of time someone spends on a page and ultimately lead to more conversions.

Choosing a font that is easy on the eyes and legible at different sizes is essential for driving conversions.

Another factor to consider when choosing a font is the overall design aesthetic.

Design aesthetic

Fonts that are too fancy or ornate can be difficult to read and can clash with other design elements.

On the other hand, fonts that are too plain or generic can be boring and fail to capture the attention of potential customers.

A font that complements the overall design aesthetic and supports the brand’s message is critical for driving conversions.

Types of fonts that drive conversions

So, what types of fonts work best for driving conversions?

It depends on the brand’s goals and the type of content being created.

However, here are some general guidelines:

Sans-serif fonts are modern, clean, and easy to read. They work well for websites and digital marketing materials because they are legible at small sizes and on screens of different sizes. Examples of sans-serif fonts include Helvetica, Arial, and Open Sans.

Serif fonts are more traditional and are often used in print materials like books and magazines. They can convey a sense of elegance and sophistication, making them a good choice for luxury brands. Examples of serif fonts include Times New Roman, Garamond, and Baskerville.

Display fonts are decorative and often used for headlines and titles. They can add personality and flair to a brand’s marketing materials but should be used sparingly to avoid overwhelming the reader. Examples of display fonts include Script, Handwritten, and Decorative.

Monospace fonts are unique in that each character takes up the same amount of space, which can give them a distinctive, retro feel. They are often used in coding and programming contexts but can also work well for brands that want to convey a sense of innovation or quirkiness. Examples of monospace fonts include Courier, Consolas, and Lucida Console.

Custom fonts are created specifically for a brand and can be a powerful way to establish a unique visual identity. However, they can be expensive to create and may not be feasible for smaller brands. If a custom font is not an option, choosing a unique font that is not commonly used can also help a brand stand out from the crowd.


In addition to choosing the right font, it’s also important to consider other design elements like color, layout, and imagery.

All of these elements work together to create a cohesive and effective design that drives conversions.

However, by paying attention to the role that fonts play in branding, readability, and design, you can make informed decisions