High conversion fonts for web live chat systems

High conversion fonts for web live chat systems

Are you using high-conversion fonts for your web live chat systems?

High conversion fonts for web live chat systems

If not, you are not getting the very most out of your live chats.

So, stick with me and find out what fonts you should use to get the maximum ROI.

Before discussing about fonts, we should explain how web live chat systems work in terms of sales generator.

Why use web live chat systems on your website?

We all know the answers to this question, right?

When visiting a website, people want to have a quick way to communicate with you or with somebody from your team.

Websites that have a great live chat system are absolutely always getting many times more sales than websites with bad or no live chats.

But live chats are just a part of the system.

To get high conversions out of your live chats you also need the following:

A great system

Such a system allows you and your team to quickly respond to all the messages you get.

I always get mad (probably you too) when I see a live chat function on a website but there is nobody to respond to my messages.

If this is the case, this is not a live chat, it is a contact form.

You need people that can respond in under 10 seconds from the initial customer message.

This is how sales are won.

Professional sales or support people, not bots

Yes, it costs much more to have professional sales and support people ready to live chat with your potential or existing customers.

But this is how a business gets more sales and happier customers.

It takes money to make money, so invest and you will see that you have a great ROI on this.

I would absolutely run away from bots, no matter how good they are.

People will immediately recognize the bots and run away.

High-converting fonts

Fonts cannot be missed if you are looking to get high conversions out of your live chat system.

Imagine that you have a large team of professionals that respond right away to all the live chats, and that they are doing an awesome job.

And now imagine that the font they use is so bad that people think your company is a Nazi lover. Yes, there are fonts that considered Nazi.

There are also fonts that are considered racist.

In plus, there are tons of fonts that are hated worldwide like Papyrus, Comic Sans, and Mistral.

And are also fonts that are hard to read.

If you will use any of these fonts, your ROI on live chats will be average or even below average.

Now we can discuss about what fonts you should use.

High conversion fonts for web live chat systems

To recap, you want:

– fonts that are easy to read.

– that are not racist, hated, Nazi, or any other such fonts.

– and fonts that work perfectly with your brand, your products, and your audience

– popular fonts as these fonts are already known by the mass of people and in plus these fonts are usually free or super affordable.

Having all of these in our minds, here are some great high-conversion fonts that you can use for your live chats:

Open Sans




If you need more options, look for fonts similar with these.

You can use WhatFontIs to look for similar fonts here.

Enter the font name and you will get plenty of alternatives.


Using high-conversion fonts for your web live chat systems is much easier thank you probably thought, right?

There are just some basic rules to have in mind, and the cost to implement these fonts is 0 or close to 0 if you need some developers to help you.